Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I'm back...

After having triple by-pass open heart surgery and my gallbladder removed within the past 2 years, I'm feeling much better.  Even my arthritic knee is getting along.  Dr. Medders, my orthopedic surgeon, fixed my knee up with 3 injections in the arthritic knee joint of something derived from chicken combs.  I've had virtually no pain in the knee in a little over a month.

A PUPPY!  We've got a new puppy!  Her name is "Peaches" and she's a Black Labrador Retriever.  Peaches is a little over 6 months old, now, and learning the ropes fast!  Peaches promises to be an avid dock diver.  She's already obsessed with retrieving anything you throw out there for her.

It's been a typical Georgia summer; hot & humid.  So much for the weather. 

Spud & I resume our Therapy Dog activities today after a long absence.  I'm feeling well enough, now, that I can do the visits without pain, knee & chest pains, to be precise.  We're visiting with the new Administrator at University Rehab & Nursing Home in Athens.  That's where Daddy passed away.  Our meeting is at 10:30 this morning with Ms. Sandra Wilkinson.

I've contacted the asst. principal of North Oconee High School to see if we can finally get the therapy dog thing going there.  I've been trying off and on for 2 years to get this done.  I'm proposing that therapy dogs be used to help students in stressful situations, such as at exam times.  The University of Georgia has been quite successful with this in the past 2 years.  Therapy dogs at UGA.

There's also a therapy dog program on the horizon for North Oconee High School.  That program is still developing.

That's about it for now.  I'm out of gas for the present.

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